Maye & Piolly
Photos: Valeria Duque
Some of the moments that made Maye and Piolly’s wedding so special:
After walking down the aisle as man and wife, Maye asked us if she could scream out loud, she was SO happy she felt she had to do it. We said: it’s your wedding, you can do whatever you want, and she screamed her head off with joy. It was one of the best wedding moments EVER.
The speeches their friends and family made were so special and heartfelt we couldn’t help but being touched and moved to tears.
The bride’s family took to the stage for an impromptu jam: father of the bride in the drums, brother of the bride in the guitar, groom on the bass, and the bride herself on the vocals singing “That thing you do”. So cool!
There were so many special moments, looks, embraces and words during this wedding that we were overwhelmed and so thankful for being there and witnessing Maye and Piolly’s love, the kind that inspires us to do what we do and put our heart and soul into it.
Thank you guys for choosing us! we love you!